This webinar focused on the club Excellence Award and how the qualifications outlined in the application can be used as your club’s road map to excellence.
This presentation will step you through process of starting a club branch and the benefits to grow membership and to expand service impact into the community.
[pdf] Club Activity CalendarHelp plan and share service, fellowship and management activities with your club.
Cause-based Specialty Lions Clubs unite members around a cause to strengthen their impact.
Notes to accompany PowerPoint for this module
Checklist used for Mentor of the Club Marketing Communications Chairperson
This form is for sponsoring Lions Clubs to report their appointed Leo Club Advisor and Leo Club President for the fiscal year. This should be done each fiscal year, either through MyLCI, but if they do not have access to MyLCI, then they use this…
The Leo club Pride award is given to Leo clubs that have excelled in reporting their membership growth, service projects and officers. Review this criteria to see if your club is eligible.
This is a powerpoint presentation to help train LCIF club coordinators.
This form is for sponsoring Lions Clubs to fill out to terminate their Leo Club.