[pptx] All About Lions PresentationPresentation on the history, organization, service and membership of Lions Clubs International
[pptx] General Measles PresentationGeneral measles presentation to be shown at Lions clubs meetings and conventions.
[pdf] Cub Program GuideThis guide will help you set up a Cub Program in your Club as a way to encourage kids and adults to serve together and create a dedication to service through Lions Clubs
This guide is a detailed meeting planning tool for the zone chairperson to organize and host meetings with the club officers. This ensures that meetings are productive and bring together clubs and helpful district resources.
This document provides answers to the basic questions around resettlement and the role of Lions in this process.
Serving Together projects encourage collaboration between Lions clubs and the Leo clubs that they sponsor. Recognition is given for joint service projects, joint meetings or participation in one another's events.
Read about Youth Camps and Exchange (YCE) Program and learn the benefits of the program, eligibility requirements, costs and how to apply.
Learn about the China Council of Lions Clubs' partnership with Rehabilitation International.
Lions Clubs International Announces Historic Expansion of Partnership with Special Olympics