Use this customizable press release to promote charter member recruitment for a newly chartered club.
The establishment of its foundation in 1968 furthered Lions’ ability to serve. While best known for funding large-scale humanitarian efforts, LCIF puts most of its dollars to work each year in the form of grants that help local Lions clubs improve…
The Leo club Pride award is given to Leo clubs that have excelled in reporting their membership growth, service projects and officers. Review this criteria to see if your club is eligible.
This form is for sponsoring Lions Clubs to fill out to terminate their Leo Club.
Guide to help districts and sponsoring clubs organize and charter new clubs.
This is a powerpoint presentation to help train LCIF club coordinators.
The Lions Quest club Achievement Award recognizes individual Lions clubs that engage in the Lions Quest Program through promotion, advocacy, and Lions Quest program implementation.
This form is for sponsoring Lions clubs to fill out to create a new Leo club. For both Alpha and Omega.
Submit this form to the New clubs Department to ensure that transfer fees are waived for branch members coverting to a traditional club.