Get to know the ins and outs of the leadership positions in a Leo club.
Explore resources to help you succeed in the club membership chairperson role.
Learn about the Club Excellence Awards and the qualifications and criteria to apply for these prestigious awards.
Learn the importance of the club service chairperson and explore helpful resources to help you succeed in this role.
Learn about the Leo club advisor role and explore the role's responsibilities, helpful resources and more.
Learn about the different membership types, club types, and membership categories to find one that works best for you.
A guide for district governors. Gives talking points for promoting LCIF.
Fill out our membership form and take the first step to your service journey.
The Leo Club Program Advisory Panel is a way for Leos and Lions to share their ideas about the Leo Club Program with Lions Clubs International. Interested in participating? Apply here.
Checklist used for Mentor of the Club President