This guide will help Leos ensure that their members have a meaningful, impactful and rewarding club experience.
Submit this form to the New clubs Department to ensure that transfer fees are waived for branch members coverting to a traditional club.
Lions International’s brand guidelines helps clubs create a universally recognizable face for the world’s leading service organization by providing guidelines on language, logos, fonts, colors and images.
[mp4] Specialty ClubsDiscover how specialty clubs allow Lions to serve in specific and important ways in individual communities around the globe. Part two of our three-part series of 2019-2020 presidential videos.
This guide gives suggestions and best practices for the district governor team to create a plan to ensure that all clubs are visited and share the responsibilities of the club visits.
Worksheet to gather information prior to starting application on MyLCI. This worksheet will ensure that you have gathered all the required components of a new club.
[pdf] Virtual Club FlyerInformation for starting a virtual Lions club, virtual club model types and the application process.