Today's post is by Dianne Corlew, Lion and wife of International President Chancellor Bob Corlew. Be sure to follow Dianne's Lions Partners in Education Facebook page! At the District Governors Elect Partners in Service Seminar…
Governing documents of the International Association of Lions Clubs
To ease transition, some Leos have chosen Dual Memberships to maintain membership in their Leo clubs for a limited time when joining their Lions clubs.
The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the way Lions serve their communities. Learn more about how we get back to business while navigating our new normal through LCIF and Campaign 100. Speakers included LCIF Chairperson Gudrun Yngvadottir, 1st…
PowerPoint for clubs to use teach about Diabetes to their members
[mp4] LCIF's 50th AnniversaryCelebrate the rich history of Lions Clubs International Foundation.
A celebration of the 65th anniversary of the Leo Club Program!
Read about Youth Camps and Exchange (YCE) Program and learn the benefits of the program, eligibility requirements, costs and how to apply.
[pptx] General Measles PresentationGeneral measles presentation to be shown at Lions clubs meetings and conventions.