Whether you’re interested in partnering with a local Lions or Leo Club, or looking to find a Club’s address, the Club Locator is the tool to use. The Club Locator has been enhanced with the development of the new Lions’ site…
Upcoming Webinar: Change is Coming…Is Your club Ready? Did you know that roughly 70% of all change initiatives ultimately fail to meet their original objectives? Many clubs have exciting goals for the centennial and beyond, and…
Since 1956, Lions have been a staple in Indian communities. Moreover, Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) has bolstered and elevated the work of the Lions in India through disbursements totaling more than $100 million in grants and the…
Campaign 100: LCIF Empowering Service, the largest fundraising campaign in Foundation history, runs through June 2022 with a goal to raise US$300 million to help us increase our impact in vision, youth development, disaster relief, and humanitarian…
The City of Adelaide Lions club in South Australia is a diverse, inclusive and progressive club. Learn more about them here.
Did you know that your Lions club is equipped with a resource it needs to unify your approach to service, membership and leadership development? This powerful resource is called the Global Action Team (GAT). A few of your club…
Leos play a critical role in the success of our association. This year, Leos expanded to 147 nations and territories and reached almost 3 million people through their service. Check out the Leo Club Program Year in Review…
When the Jarvis Lions Club in Ontario, Canada, was contemplating a Centennial Legacy Project, they were dreaming big. This group of ambitious Lions wanted to create a project that was spectacular, yet practical. One that others…
Young people play a critical role in the success of our association. Through the Leo Club Program, young people serve as critical thinkers, changemakers, innovators, communicators and leaders. Leos continue to expand…
After a half-century of global expansion, Lions established Lions clubs International Foundation in 1968 as a way to amplify the power of Lion giving. Since 1917, individual Lions clubs and districts had achieved remarkable…