Meet the 2021-2022 Lions Clubs International President Douglas X. Alexander of the Brooklyn Bedford Stuyvesant Lions Club (Brooklyn, New York, USA)
Explore resources and updates exclusively for past district governors to help stay on track and informed.
PowerPoint for clubs to use teach about Diabetes to their members
[mp4] LCIF's 50th AnniversaryCelebrate the rich history of Lions Clubs International Foundation.
A celebration of the 65th anniversary of the Leo Club Program!
2005-06 Lions Clubs International President Ashok Mehta reflects on how Lions can do so much more through Lions Clubs International Foundation.
[pptx] General Measles PresentationGeneral measles presentation to be shown at Lions clubs meetings and conventions.
[pptx] All About Lions PresentationPresentation on the history, organization, service and membership of Lions Clubs International
Inspection checklist used by clubs and districts in planning their projects and events.
Read about Youth Camps and Exchange (YCE) Program and learn the benefits of the program, eligibility requirements, costs and how to apply.