Mother Teresa said that, at the end of life, we will not be judged by how many diplomas we have received, how much money we have made and how many great things we have done. We will be judged by our simple acts of kindness: “I…
[mp4] LCIF's 50th AnniversaryCelebrate the rich history of Lions Clubs International Foundation.
[docx] Press Release BoilerplateA boilerplate is a standardized paragraph at the end of a press release that provides journalists with a high-level background about Lions Clubs International and the Lions Clubs International Foundation.
Try these 5 tips to improve your club's social media presence.
Service clubs work together to strengthen communities and improve lives.
[pptx] General Measles PresentationGeneral measles presentation to be shown at Lions clubs meetings and conventions.
Your guide to service events and clubs that are attractive to Young Lions.
Inspection checklist used by clubs and districts in planning their projects and events.
[pptx] All About Lions PresentationPresentation on the history, organization, service and membership of Lions Clubs International
[pdf] Cub Program GuideThis guide will help you set up a Cub Program in your Club as a way to encourage kids and adults to serve together and create a dedication to service through Lions Clubs