Please join the Lions of ISAME from India, Pakistan, Middle East and the GAT Leadership and a dynamic team of Lion storytellers in showcasing a variety of impactful stories from the field.
The Ohio County Virtual Lions Club will be presenting their first episode about how they have served their community in a virtual world.
Please read the disclosures for MyLion, MyLCI, LCIF Donor Services, the LCIstore and Registration here.
Promote your club's SightFirst Program 30th Anniversary celebrations by using this media release template.
The Lions Humanitarian Award is awarded by the Lions Clubs International President to a peron of "substantial humanitarian accomplishment."
The Virtual Events Center is the premier place for Lions and Leos to find insightful video trainings and webinars. Explore our past recordings, and check the event calendar for upcoming events.
[pdf] LCIF Ranked Best NGOLions Club International Foundation was rated most highly and ranked first for program execution, communication, adaptability and accountability in the fast-growing world of non-profits.
Explore payment options for club treasurers, including online payment, check payment, credit/debit card or PayPal.