Explore how DCGs can offer a new opportunity for Lions to support humanitarian activities in their communities.
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Checklist used by Mentor of the Club Treasurer
Checklist used for Mentor of the Club Secretary
In this LQ, watch how Lions respond to a massive Chinese earthquake; save the planet through environmental projects; and support cutting-edge genetic research in France for neuromuscular diseases. Also, learn about the Lions Christmas Ship.
This LQ features tsunami rebuilding efforts in South Asia; a North Carolina Lions Camp for the blind and visually impaired; a Lions eye hospital in India; and the gift of glasses for children in Chicago.
In this LQ, watch how Lions in Morocco provide education for women and children; people of all abilities play baseball in the Miracle League; Lions provide needed medical services; and Lions support recovering addicts at a clinic in Norway.
This LQ features New Zealand Lions' creative approach to turn trash into fashion; Lions in California raise diabetes awareness; Lions Quest makes a big impact in Tennessee; and Lions Dog Guides Training Center near Toronto, Canada.
This LQ features Lions in the Cayman Islands raising breast care awareness; people with disabilities answering the call to service; villagers in Turkey learning better farming practices; and Australian Lions providing relief to wildfire victims.