Located in the Great Smoky Mountains, Gatlinburg, Tennessee, USA, attracts over 11 million visitors per year. Known for its quaint charm and its synchronous fireflies, it’s no wonder why tourists flock to the area. In late…
The latest Lions Quarterly features a new historical Centennial video showing how Lions have grown into the world's largest service club organization. Learn about the Lions Million Penny Project, which helped Lions raise thousands of dollars for…
This document is the DGE Seminar Registration & Travel Form for the DGE Seminar & International Convention in Singapore. Each DGE is expected to complete both pages of this form for themselves, and a DGE Spouse/Companion (if traveling with…
Campaign 100: LCIF Empowering Service, the largest fundraising campaign in Foundation history, runs through June 2022 with a goal to raise US$300 million to help us increase our impact in vision, youth development, disaster relief, and humanitarian…
The April 2016 Lions Quarterly includes the latest historical Centennial video, Peace and International Understanding, which shows how Lions have dedicated themselves to building peace and international understanding across borders and generations.…
Matching Grants provide capital funding to help establish or expand Lions-initiated humanitarian service projects that address critical and diverse human and social needs around the globe.…
Childhood Cancer Grants are available to Lions districts and multiple districts in amounts from US$10,000 to US$150,000. Childhood Cancer Grants are designed to help enable Lions projects that…
Lions AIM (Aid in Meeting) is an aid and cultural exchange program for members of student clubs and other young members of Lions Norway. AIM is working with several agencies and projects in Uganda and Zambia, where an annual…
LCIF Disaster Relief Grants focus on empowering Lions to respond swiftly and effectively when natural disasters strike. These grants provide critical support for relief efforts in communities…
The Han Seo Lions Club from Korea delivered shoes, sports equipment and food to children at an orphanage in Vietnam with the help of a DCG grant from LCIF.