Please join the Lions of India and Sri Lanka, the GAT Leadership and a dynamic team of Lion storytellers in showcasing a variety of impactful stories from the field.
Please join the Lions of India, the GAT Leadership and a dynamic team of Lion storytellers in showcasing a variety of impactful stories from the field.
[pdf] GAT AmbassadorsPresentation by PID Robert Rettby, GAT Area Leader Max Mongia, GAT Area Leader Zeynep Kocasinan and PCC Viresh Paul, provide an explanation on the role of the GAT Ambassadors . How they will play a vital role in motivating Lion & Leos take…
[pdf] GAT Coordinators WebinarPresentation by PID Robert Rettby, GAT Area Leader Max Mongia, GAT Area Leader Zeynep Kocasinan, PCC Viresh Paul, and Grisell Barraza provide an in depth and thorough explanation on GAT, as well as introduce the new concept of GMA. Topics also…
[pdf] LCIF General BrochureLCIF was founded in 1968 to take the work of Lions Clubs International to new heights by tackling global problems, as well as assisting Lions with large-scale local humanitarian projects.
[pdf] Club Activity CalendarHelp plan and share service, fellowship and management activities with your club.
During the webinar we introduced the nominees from Leadership and Marketing who have remarkable stories to share.