Lions in Australia and New Zealand are giving children with cerebral palsy—who are often confined to wheelchairs—a chance to stand on their own and to experience walking for the first time in their lives with a specialized piece…
After a half-century of global expansion, Lions established Lions Clubs International Foundation in 1968 as a way to amplify the power of Lion giving. Since 1917, individual Lions clubs and districts had achieved remarkable…
In Lions Clubs International’s first 50 years, local clubs had done their best to provide aid and hope in times of great need. But there had not been a good way to harness the collective power of Lions, other than through…
At Lions Day with the United Nations in New York on March 24, 2018, International President Naresh Aggarwal signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) President Prof. Nam H. Cho…
Lions around the world are working to raise awareness, bring medical care and provide education to help prevent hearing loss. More than 275 million people worldwide are hearing-impaired or deaf, according to the World Health…
Mother Teresa said that, at the end of life, we will not be judged by how many diplomas we have received, how much money we have made and how many great things we have done. We will be judged by our simple acts of kindness: “I…
The idea came to Bruno Nascimento of the Itaipava Lions Club in Petrópolis, Brazil, as he was watching a student who was blind on a visit to the Farm Water Project. The Farm Water Project taught environmental classes, and Bruno…
At the 2013 Lions Clubs International Convention in Hamburg, Germany, LCIF made a commitment to Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, to raise US$30 million to help protect tens of millions of children in the world’s poorest countries…
In the wake of the worst natural disaster in Puerto Rico’s history, Lions are doing all they can to bring much-needed relief to the area. Lions in Multiple District 51 are supporting their communities by distributing food…
The most valuable gift that Lions can give to their blind and visually-impaired neighbors is the gift of greater independence. And that is exactly the gift that the Lions in Multiple District 23, Connecticut gave. For their…