This LQ includes segments about how clean water changed a village in Mali; how a Lions club embraced family membership; Chicago, the host city of the 2007 International Convention; and how Lions and Habitat helped a couple in Washington own a home.
This LQ features tsunami rebuilding efforts in South Asia; a North Carolina Lions Camp for the blind and visually impaired; a Lions eye hospital in India; and the gift of glasses for children in Chicago.
The premiere edition of LQ explores Gulf Coast recovery efforts through the eyes of a Mississippi Lions family; an early intervention program in Shenshen China for children with autism; and recycling efforts of the Prescott Noon Lions Club.
[mp4] Global Action TeamLions Global Action Team expands Lions' reach and impact by bringing together leadership, membership and service.
The Leo Leadership Grant is a $2,000 grant for Leos to host a leadership conference. This document is the guidelines and application.
This guide will step the user through planning a Women's Symposium Program.
Serving Together projects encourage collaboration between Lions clubs and the Leo clubs that they sponsor. Recognition is given for joint service projects, joint meetings or participation in one another's events.
The Omega Leo club program is for young adults aged 18 - 30 who are interested in serving their community. Memebership Form to be an Omega Leo