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Etusivu node MISSION 1.5 Moment: Cebu City Peltan Lions Club
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MISSION 1.5 Moment: Cebu City Peltan Lions Club

Steve Gnall 24.06.2024

The mission:
MISSION 1.5 is the drive to reach 1.5 million members worldwide, so we can better meet the growing needs of our communities and serve more people than ever before.

Challenge accepted by:
Cebu City Peltan Lions Club

Banawa, Cebu City, Philippines

The Cebu City Peltan Lions are a club on the rise. Less than four years old and already 20 members strong, this group’s got growth going on!

Cebu Lions Philippines group shot on stairs.

About the club:
Since receiving their charter in December 2020, members of the Cebu City Peltan Lions Club have put their personal and professional expertise to work, serving local communities. From nurses committed to the battle against childhood cancer, to divers who’ve pledged to save our seas, and everyday heroes all in on feeding the hungry, this mighty pride of proud, enthusiastic Lions simply can’t say no to service.

Cebu Lions Philippines two person MISSION 1.5 hand gesture.

The club’s founding members met while volunteering as fraternity brothers and sorority sisters in college. After graduation, the small group decided to continue their service and social activities by forming a Lions club. But the group didn’t remain small for long.

Friendship and family have played an important role in the club’s growth. For example, one of its members was first inspired to join Lions after seeing the kind of service activities his sister’s club in New Orleans was doing. After joining, he recruited his niece, who recruited a friend, who is in the process of recruiting their roommate. It just goes to show, there are potential Lions all around us – all you have to do is ask!

Cebu Lions Philippines MISSION 1.5 hand gesture.

Cebu City Peltan Lions Club’s Five Tips for Club Growth

  1. Set a good example. Compassion is contagious. When others see you making time to give your time, they’ll hopefully be inspired to do the same.
  2. Focus on specific causes. Service projects centered around a specific cause may help attract new members who share the same passion for it.
  3. Invite people to volunteer. Sometimes it helps to “Just Ask” a person to volunteer alongside your club before extending the invitation to join.
  4. Social media awareness. Just one click can spread your message of service around the block — or around the world — with social media. Be bold enough to use it.
  5. Partner with local groups. Teaming up to serve with other area organizations can have a huge impact and help expose more future Lions to the life-changing work we do.
Male and female Cebu Lions Philippines in yellow shirts.

Learn more about the Cebu City Peltan Lions
Instagram: instagram.com/cebupeltanlions
Facebook: facebook.com/cebupeltanlions

Steve Gnall is a senior copywriter for Lions International.