Explore resources and updates exclusively for past district governors to help stay on track and informed.
A celebration of the 65th anniversary of the Leo Club Program!
PowerPoint for clubs to use teach about Diabetes to their members
[mp4] LCIF's 50th AnniversaryCelebrate the rich history of Lions Clubs International Foundation.
This webinar presentation shares information about Lions digital applications with a focus on MyLion. Learn how to plan and report using our service application, as well as how to find support and get started.
In the January 2014 edition of Lions Quarterly video magazine, see how Lions are providing disaster relief to victims of Typhoon Haiyan. Lions around the world address bullying through various youth programs. In Iceland, Lions plant trees and grass…
In this issue of Lions Quarterly Video Magazine, hear how Lions around the world are making it their priority to benefit the well-being of children, watch how the Lions who established the Melvin Jones Health Center help a young boy return to school…
[pptx] General Measles PresentationGeneral measles presentation to be shown at Lions clubs meetings and conventions.
Inspection checklist used by clubs and districts in planning their projects and events.
[pptx] All About Lions PresentationPresentation on the history, organization, service and membership of Lions Clubs International