Lions club members are service-driven entrepreneurs, creating innovative solutions to meet the needs of communities worldwide. From establishing partnerships with local business to delivering new equipment to communities in need, Lions are always…
Learn about the Global Membership Team (GMT) and Global Extension Team (GET) and explore tools that will help you start new clubs, recruit new members and promote positive member experiences.
Did you know that you now have the ability to create certificates of insurance on your own? Lions Club members can fill out and print one of these certificates. Learn more here.
Find out about the opportunities that Lions and Leos have to Learn, Lead and Grow with Leadership Development Institutes. See how you can grow leadership in your club, district or multiple district.
In this episode, Lions address global concerns such as hunger, disease and poverty; clubs in Indonesia adopt an entire village; Montana Lions plant a garden with students to combat childhood obesity; and Lions in India help disabled people lead…
This project planner can help your club organize a service activity that promotes a cause or issue important to your community in a sustainable way. By serving in this way, you're helping to ensure the overall wellbeing of your community and its…
PID Jerome Thompson is joined by Global Action Team area leaders from across the United States as we follow the Lions leadership pipeline through clubs, zones and districts. Learn what it takes to lead at each of these organizational levels.
Report changes in the roster of members for a club. Report member transfers, drops and additions. Report new Leo Lions, Family Members, Student Members and Young Adult members. Update member contact information like address and phone number.
Lions Quest, Lions Clubs International Foundation’s (LCIF) signature youth education program, is a social emotional learning curriculum which gives students the skills to navigate life and prevent…
Lions who wish to pursue leadership roles with their larger Lions community can learn about club operations, opportunities and resources at RLLI. Find out if you qualify, how to apply, and more here.