Global Membership Approach
Where there’s a need, there’s a Lion – when our membership grows, our communities grow. Our service strengthens. Our future brightens. The Global Membership Approach provides a process and resources for districts to achieve this growth.
An interconnected strategy
By combining the strategies of the Global Membership Approach, MISSION 1.5 and our district goals process, we can take our membership growth to new heights and fortify our clubs, districts and multiple districts.
MISSION 1.5 is the drive to reach 1.5 million members worldwide on July 1, 2027, so we can better meet the growing needs of our communities and serve more people than ever before.
Global Membership Approach
The Global Membership Approach equips districts to develop membership through a strategic process focused on rejuvenating districts with new clubs, revitalizing clubs with new members and re-motivating existing members with fellowship and exciting service.
District Goals
District goals provide districts with the opportunity to create goals and action plans that are directly tailored to each district’s annual priorities. Action plans to support MISSION 1.5 targets will be submitted through the district goals process.
The approach has universal applicability, allowing for customization based on regional needs and circumstances, and is supported by a growing collection of material resources.
Overview Presentation
Support Roadmap (Blue) - Ideal for digital display
Support Roadmap (White) - Works best for non-professional printing
Global Membership Approach: A Strategic Timeline to District Growth
Discover materials to implement the Global Membership Approach in Clubs within your Zone or Region.
A 4-step process
Step 1
Build a team to support the Global Membership Approach.
Step 2
Conduct an analysis of your district and develop goals to best serve its needs.
Build a Vision Training Support Guide
Presentation (PPT)
SWOT Worksheet (DOC)
SWOT Worksheet (PDF)
Step 3
Build a plan as a team to achieve the established vision.
Build a Plan Training Support Guide
Presentation (PPT)
Action Plan Template (Word)
Action Plan Template (PDF)
Step 4
Execute your plan, maintain accountability and adjust as necessary.
To further your understanding of the process, review the Global Membership Approach eLearning course located in the Lions Learning Center.
After completing each step, provide the district-conducted training details to your GLT coordinator for reporting in Learn.
- Process
- GMT District Coordinator Roles & Responsibilities: Overview of the GMT district coordinator role, a key role within the Global Action Team.
- Integrating Global Membership Approach into District Goals: Strategic overview on how Global Membership Approach developed plans apply to district goals.
- Supporting Actions for District Success: Roles and responsibilities for those participating in the FVDG/DGE training program, district goals and Global Membership Approach.
- Rejuvenate Districts with New Clubs
Getting Started
- Start a New Club Webpage: Features customizable materials and resources to help you successfully start a club so you can expand our service impact.
- New Club Development Guide: Overview of the steps and process for starting a new club.
- Hello Brochure: This printable brochure covers the benefits of being a Lion and our mission.
- Guiding Lion Program Webpage: Guiding Lion information and resources for this program designed to assist newly chartered, existing and rebuilding clubs.
- Membership Development Grants Webpage: Helpful information and resources for applying for Membership Development Grants.
- Marketing Grant Program Webpage: Helpful information and resources for applying for a Marketing Grant.
- Membership Development Resources Order Form: Order membership materials and applications to start new clubs.
Types of Clubs
- Traditional Lions Club Webpage: Information and resources related to the community-based Traditional Lions Club option, our largest source of new club development.
- Leo-Lions Club Webpage: Information about the Leo-Lion Program, which offers current or former Leos an opportunity to continue serving their community.
- Campus Clubs Webpage: Information and resources for chartering a Campus Lions Club at a college or university.
- Specialty Clubs Program Webpage: The Specialty Club program is designed to create clubs whose members share a common interest or passion, allowing them to connect with one another on a deeper level.
- Virtual Clubs Webpage: Information and resources related to the Virtual Lions Club option, offering Lions a way to meet and serve using a variety of virtual channels.
- Club Branch Webpage: Information and resources for the Club Branch option, which offers small groups an opportunity to join Lions International and serve their communities.
- Revitalize Clubs with New Members
Getting Started
- Club Membership Chairperson Webpage: Information and resources for Club Membership Chairpersons.
- Just Ask!: A new member recruitment guide for clubs.
- Elevator Speech: Information on how to write an elevator speech.
- Membership Application: Brochure outlining membership benefits and fees and includes a membership application that can be printed or filled in electronically.
- Benefits of Being a Lion: Handout listing the benefits of becoming a Lion.
- Mentoring Program Webpage: Information and resources related to the Lions Mentoring Program, aimed at preparing Lions for leadership in clubs, in the association and in their personal lives.
- Rebuilding and Reactivating Clubs Webpage: Information and resources to help strengthen weak clubs and reactivate clubs that have been cancelled or placed in status quo.
- We are Lions (Poster): This customizable poster is a great way to market your club at places in your community.
Potential Members
- Young Lions Webpage: Information and resources for Young Lions, members approximately age 40 or younger.
- New Voices Initiative Webpage: Information about the New Voices Initiative, which seeks to increase the number of women, young adults and underrepresented populations in our association.
- Re-motivate Members with New Fellowships and Exciting Service
- Service Project Planners Webpage: Provides access to a collection of downloadable tools designed for clubs that are ready to serve their communities in our global causes areas.
- Service Toolkit Webpage: Provides access to resources designed to help Lions assess, position and activate their clubs for greater impact.
- Service Reporting Webpage: Information about the importance of service reporting and resources to help with the reporting process.
- Lions Advocacy Webpage: Information about advocacy as a service opportunity to further the mission of our association and foundation.
- Membership Reports Toolbox: Provides access to reports that are vital to the health of your club.
- Improving Club Quality Webpage: Provides ideas and elements to help clubs function effectively while meeting the needs of their members and their communities.
- Club Quality Initiative Webpage: A strategic planning tool to help clubs identify opportunities for improvement.
- Club Health Assessment Reports: Provides access to reports tracking membership growth, financial health, reporting trends, club officer vacancies, LCIF donations and the overall health of the clubs in your district.
- Club Health Assessment Action Strategies: Document outlining strategies to help improve club health.
- Your Club, Your Way: Guide to customizing club meetings.
- Support District and Club Leaders
District support
- Managing Your District (District Governor and Team): A webpage designed to support the district team with resources and tools to help you succeed.
- Troubleshooting Guide for Districts: Helpful guide that identifies common district issues and provides resources with potential solutions.
- Past District Governors webpage: The latest news and information to help you stay involved and continue providing a tremendous amount of knowledge and experience to help your club, district and the association move forward.
- Managing your Zone and Region: A dedicated resource center to help zone and region chairpersons access information to support their clubs.
- Zone Chairperson Workshop: Provides training materials for Zone Chairperson Workshop instructors as well as helpful session materials for Zone Chairperson Workshop attendees.
- Region and Zone Chairperson webpage (Global Membership Approach and Resources): Discover resources for region and zone chairpersons to implement the Global Membership Approach steps within their clubs.
- Zone and Region Chairperson Global Membership Approach recording: An overview of the materials available to zone and region chairpersons regarding the Global Membership Approach and their support to clubs. ENGLISH ONLY
- Lions Learning Center (LLC): Log into the Lion Portal to access the Learn application and navigate to the Lions Learning Center (LLC) to explore courses that develop leadership skills and encourage personal growth.
- Leadership Development webpage: Information and resources related to leadership development opportunities.
- Regional Lions Leadership Institute webpage: Offers instructional plans, and participant materials and handouts that can be used during the training.
Club support
- Managing a Club: Information and resources for club leadership positions.
- Troubleshooting Guide for Clubs: Helpful guide that identifies common club issues and provides resources with potential solutions.
- Plan for Your Club's Success Guide and PowerPoint: Tools to help your club discover its strengths, ways to improve and new opportunities that will help the club grow and thrive!
- Marketing Resources
Lions Clubs International
- Our Service Flyer: Flyer providing an overview of Lions International and our impact.
- Our Story Flyer: Flyer highlighting the history of Lions International.
- Logos and Emblems Webpage: Provides access to approved brand resources.
Public Relations and Social Media
- Lions Press Center Webpage: Provides access to a variety of resources, including media kits, logos, photos, templates and FAQs.
- Public Relations Guide Webpage: Information about public relations, which includes all forms of written, verbal and nonverbal communications used to share information with the public.
- SMiLE (Social Media including Lions Everywhere): Information about this international community of Lions focused on helping Lions, clubs, districts and multiple districts with social media.
- Photo/Video Release: Form that can be used to authorize use of photographs and video by Lions International.
Marketing Documents
- Brand & Marketing Toolkit Webpage: Provides access to branded tools clubs can use to promote themselves and their service.
Connect with us
Have a question about the Global Membership Approach? Please email questions and requests to