Service Reporting
By sharing our impact through service reporting, Lions and Leos inform, inspire and grow our local and global legacy of humanitarian service.
Our global service impact
Our service changes lives. In 2023-2024, Lions and Leos around the world, with support from LCIF, served more than 422 million people. See how we served across our global causes.
Childhood Cancer
13 million
19 million
Disaster Relief
4 million
78 million
190 million
69 million
39 million
3 million
Benefits for your club
Reporting our service helps us highlight our global achievements. But it also provides even more value for your club, including:
- Celebrating the impact your club is making
- Inspiring potential new members to add to your impact
- Providing leaders with insight on outcomes to better guide your service
And that’s not all. Clubs that report service become eligible for awards and recognition, including the Kindness Matters Service Award and the Club Excellence Award.
See the other ways reporting service benefits your club in the Why Report Service resource.
How and when to report service
We recommend reporting a service activity online as soon as possible after you complete your service activity. Lions and Leos also have the option to start entering a service activity during the planning process and finish the report when the service is complete.
You can collect the data needed to report an activity with the Service Activity Information resource, which includes a list of our global causes and project types. To see the steps for reporting service, check out the Lion Portal Training videos.
Who can report service
It’s important for your club to know who is responsible for service reporting, so your club receives the benefits. In Lions clubs, service chairpersons are responsible for service reporting, although many clubs choose to have the club secretary or club president report. In Leo clubs, the president, secretary or Leo club advisor can report service. Your club can also appoint an administrator to handle service reporting or your district can appoint an IT chairperson.
To see all the titles with reporting access, check out the Who Can Report Service resource.
How to measure service
Our reputation as a leader in global humanitarian service depends on accurate reporting by our clubs. Often, measuring our service impact is straightforward. For example, if your club hosts a diabetes educational event, count the number of people who attend and the volunteers who helped, then report them.
In some cases, clubs serve in ways that are more challenging to measure, like cleaning a park, holding a fundraising dinner or promoting awareness of a cause. Learn more about what types of activities can be reported, what metrics are collected and how beneficiaries are counted in the Measuring Service Impact resource.
How districts can help clubs report service
Did you know that all districts have a goal to increase the percentage of their clubs that report service? District leaders can access reports online that display the number of service activities reported by each club. If you’re a district leader, the following ideas can help your district achieve its reporting goal:
- Reach out to club leaders. Ask who is responsible for service reporting and how you can help. Share the benefits of service reporting.
- Encourage clubs to elect a service chairperson, who can assume responsibility for reporting service, if that works for the club.
- Coach service chairpersons and club secretaries in how to report service by walking them through the steps.
- Appoint a district IT chairperson who can directly assist clubs with service activity entry.
Top service reporting districts
Congratulations to all the districts that had more than 90% of their clubs report service during the last Lion year. Download the list of Top Service Reporting Districts and a certificate to recognize this achievement.
Why report service
Contact us
If you have questions about service reporting, you can find helpful information by visiting our Lions Support webpage. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, email us using the button below.